n11=/nachos /msg = $+ $nick 6* BAR TENDER hands over a nice big bag of delicious nachos.. Enjoy!
n12=/sandwich /msg = $+ $nick 6* BAR TENDER prepares a nice sandwich for $nick | /msg = $+ $nick BAR TENDER: here you go, now where's my money?!
n13=/hamburger /msg = $+ $nick 6* BAR TENDER prepares a juicy looking hamburger for $nick | /msg = $+ $nick BAR TENDER: ok, here's the hamburger you ordered.. do you want fries with that?
n14=/fries /msg = $+ $nick 6* BAR TENDER prepares a bag of french fries for $nick | /msg = $+ $nick BAR TENDER: here's a bag of french fries, now where's my money?!
n15=/tip $read \partybot\commands\tip.xxx
n16=/pabout $read \partybot\commands\pabout.xxx
n17=/mr $read \partybot\commands\mr.xxx
n18=/msend $read \partybot\commands\msend.xxx
n19=/mre $read \partybot\commands\mre.xxx
n20=/mc $read \partybot\commands\mc.xxx
n21=/mlist $read \partybot\commands\mlist.xxx
n22=/mdrop $read \partybot\commands\mdrop.xxx
n23=/musers /msg $nick 3PartyBOT IRC Mail Server User List | /msg $nick á | /play $nick \partybot\musers.txt 250
n24=/amop $read \partybot\commands\amop.xxx
n25=/amop2 $read \partybot\commands\amop2.xxx
n26=/apop $read \partybot\commands\apop.xxx
n27=/apop2 $read \partybot\commands\apop2.xxx
n28=/rmop $read \partybot\commands\rmop.xxx
n29=/rmop2 $read \partybot\commands\rmop2.xxx
n30=/rpop $read \partybot\commands\rpop.xxx
n31=/rpop2 $read \partybot\commands\rpop2.xxx
n32=/pmr $read \partybot\commands\pmr.xxx
n33=/pmsend $read \partybot\commands\pmsend.xxx
n34=/pmre $read \partybot\commands\pmre.xxx
n35=/pmc $read \partybot\commands\pmc.xxx
n36=/pmlist $read \partybot\commands\pmlist.xxx
n37=/pmdrop $read \partybot\commands\pmdrop.xxx
n38=/pmusers /msg = $+ $nick 3PartyBOT IRC Mail Server User List | /msg = $+ $nick á | /play = $+ $nick \partybot\musers.txt 0